Women, Local Public Finance and Fiscal Adjustment

Number: 133
Year: 2019
Author(s): Alessandra Casarico, Salvatore Lattanzio, Paola Profeta
Does the gender of the mayor affect the size and composition of public expenditures and revenues? Do male and female mayors react differently to fiscal adjustments? Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design in close mixed gender races for the election of mayors in Italian municipalities in the period 2000-2015, we find that female mayors collect more revenues and spend more than male ones, both in the current and capital account. When constrained to fiscal adjustments by the central government, in a fuzzy difference-in-discontinuities design we find that female mayors reduce expenditures more than men.

Alessandra Casarico, Bocconi University, CESifo and Dondena

Salvatore Lattanzio, University of Cambridge

Paola Profeta, Bocconi University, CESifo and Dondena

Updated August, 2020.

Language: English

The paper may be downloaded here.

Keywords: Gender,Municipal government,Fiscal adjustment